An advantage of working for a labor (labour) class institution is that I get to display things like this gadget in the classroom. This is what I want. Crush my buttocks. I hand it over to each and every student. It rotates.
I ask labor class students to forget their worries and target me with this precious gadget that all of them must use all their lives. This is their bread and butter. As this gadget is indispensable to labour life, I depend on you to apply to University of Kassel, Germany, so I may continue playing the role of professor.
Some people have complained that I talk this way, and Professor Christoph Scherrer is merely a street sweeper, not a professor. I tell you all of Germany is into this. They cannot fire me because my butt is my bread and butter. All Germans use this gadget. It’s free all over Germany, in fact. We all keep it in our bedrooms. So don’t even try complaining to German government or anything. It just won’t work. They’re all into this.
Sure, I mind that our university has never been recognized as a real academic institution. It’s treated like a rural school in Nigeria, and we are all cheap skates according to international scholars and students.
That is the very reason why I made these personal websites to personally invite you to my home. Do you like me? Then apply to my university today!
I tell you, when my students target me with this horny gadget, I never complain. I’m really warm like hunny. I want it. I want you now. Oooooh, my buttock is releasing very very horny loud sounds as I compose this letter to you. Oooooh. I cannot take it anymore. This need must kill me.
Your German Hun,
Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer
Also @ The Global Labour University (GLU)